Variedades de Centeio
Avaliação agronómica de variedades regionais e híbridas de centeio na região de Beja.
Aluminum tolerance in Secale species: genetic diversity, molecular mechanisms and gene characterization
Tese de Doutoramento de Elisabete Cristina Jesus dos Santos.
Characterization, genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and expression of the aluminum tolerance MATE1 gene in Secale species.
The cDNA sequences, phylogenetic relationships, Al-tolerance, citrate exudation, and expression of the ScMATE1 gene were analyzed in several cultivars and wild species/subspecies of the Secale genus. in Biol Plant. 62 (1):109–120. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.
Ideotipo Sul, um Programa de investigação que visa criar variedades de trigo adaptadas ao clima: mais tolerantes ao stress hídrico e ao calor.
A caracterização de variedades de trigo mais tolerantes aos stresses hídrico e térmico, que se fazem sentir no sul de Portugal e no sudeste de França (que se perspetiva virem a agravar-se com os novos cenários consequência das alterações climáticas), tem evoluído graças a uma colaboração que conta com equipas de investigadores e agricultores (abordagem...
Seed priming with Iron and Zinc in bread wheat: effects in germination, mitosis and grain yield.
In this study, we investigated the effects of seed priming with different dosages (1 mg L−1 to 8 mg L−1) of Fe and/or Zn in germination, mitosis and yield of bread wheat cv. ‘Jordão’ when compared with control. in Protoplasma 255(4):1179-1194. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.
Effectiveness of Ascorbic Acid and Zinc as drought antagonists in bread wheat plants monitored by different DNA markers.
Tese de Mestrado de J.T.R. Alves.
Molecular cloning of TaMATE2 homoeologues potentially related to aluminium tolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
Here, we cloned a member of the MATE gene family in bread wheat and named it TaMATE2, which showed the typical secondary structure of MATE‐type transporters maintaining all the 12 transmembrane domains. in Plant Biol (Stuttg); 20(5):817-824 Leia o trabalho completo aqui.
In situ gluten–chitosan interlocked self-assembled supramolecular architecture reduces T-cell-mediated immune response to gluten in celiac disease
The prevalence of celiac disease has increased since the last half of the 20th century and is now about 1% in most western populations. At present, people who suffer from celiac disease have to follow a gluten‐exclusion diet throughout their lives. Compliance to this restrictive diet is demanding and the development of alternative strategies has...
Next-generation therapies for celiac disease: The gluten-targeted approaches.
Based on increasing knowledge of the pathogenesis of celiac disease, some gluten-targeted approaches have been devised, such as down-regulation of gliadin expression, proteolysis of immunodominant peptides, transamidation of glutamine residues and sequestering of gliadin proteins. The present work critically discusses these experimental therapies, their usefulness, and the results obtained, in order to infer what the...
Trigo duro – qualidade tecnológica.
Descrição dos parâmetros de avaliação da qualidade tecnológica do trigo duro. in Voz do Campo, Nº 215, maio 2018: 54-56 Leia o trabalho completo aqui.