O lugar das Leguminosas-grão numa dieta nutricionalmente equilibrada; II – Grão-de-bico.

in Universidade do Algarve (eds), A Dieta Mediterrânica em Portugal: Cultura, Alimentação, e Saúde, 239-252 p. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.

Yield and water productivity of five chickpea varieties under supplemental irrigation in contrasting years

The objective of this study was to evaluate the improvement on chickpea crop yield and water productivity of five chickpea varieties with supplemental irrigation, in the Mediterranean conditions, with both dry and wet years. in Irrigation Science volume 32: 393–403. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.

IRAP, REMAP and ISSR fingerprinting in newly formed hexaploid tritordeum (x Tritordeum Ascherson et Graebner) and respective parental species.

With this study, we carried out the DNA fingerprinting of two newly formed hexaploid tritordeum lines (HT22 and HT27) and their respective parents, line H1 of H. chilense and line T81 of durum wheat, based on IRAPs, REMAPs and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs), in order to detect potential rearrangements in tritordeum derived from polyploidization. in...

Structural rearrangements detected in newly-formed hexaploid tritordeum after three sequential FISH experiments with repetitive DNA sequences.

In the present study, we analysed mitotic chromosome spreads of tritordeum, recently produced by interspecific crosses between the H. chilense line H7 and the T. turgidum line T81 using FISH experiments with repetitive DNA sequences as probes, including SSRs, to compare their hybridization patterns and probable occurrence of genomic restructuring in the newly-formed allopolyploid. in...

Potential of Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) markers for DNA fingerprinting of newly synthesized tritordeums and respective parents.

Hexaploid tritordeum (H(ch)H(ch)AABB; 2n = 42) results from the cross between Hordeum chilense (H(ch)H(ch); 2n = 14) and cultivated durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum (AABB; 2n = 28). Morphologically, tritordeum resembles the wheat parent, showing promise for agriculture and wheat breeding. Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) polymorphism is a recently developed technique that generates gene-targeted...

Molecular characterization of the citrate transporter gene TaMATE1 and expression analysis of upstream genes involved in organic acid transport under Al stress in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).

In bread wheat, besides malate, the importance of citrate efflux for Al tolerance has also been reported. For better understanding the Al tolerance mechanism in bread wheat, here, we performed both a molecular characterization of the citrate transporter gene TaMATE1 and an investigation on the upstream variations in citrate and malate transporter genes. in Physiol...

Definição de um ideotipo de trigo – compreensão e redução do yield gap da cultura face a riscos climáticos atuais e futuros.

O grande desafio para o programa de melhoramento de cereais e respetivas equipas que os integram, passa por definir as melhores estratégias e metodologias a implementar que levem: à criação de variabilidade genética, portadora de genes que evidenciem características de adaptação aos principais constrangimentos referidos anteriormente; à gestão dessa variabilidade durante as diferentes fases do...

A synoptic overview of durum wheat production in the Mediterranean region and processing following the European Union requirements.

Cereals are a group of cultivated plants belonging to the grass family that produces grains rich in starch with specific dough properties. These grains are easily harvested, due to the structure and, if under appropriate storage, the mature seeds preserve its qualities and nutritional value for a long time. The gradual shift to a steady-production...