A colza pode dinamizar o setor arvense de sequeiro

Enquadramento do Sector arvense de sequeiro. Importância da colza como matéria prima para a produção de biocombustível. Escolha das cultivares, fertilização azotada, Época de sementeira, proteção fitossanitária e colheita. in Vida Rural Julho/Agosto 2013: 34-36. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.

Tremoço (Lupinus albus): composição nutricional, propriedades nutracêuticas e aplicações na indústria alimentar

O objetivo deste trabalho foi fazer uma revisão da literatura existente sobre a composição nutricional, aplicações na indústria alimentar e propriedades nutracêuticas nos últimos anos tentando. Por Leandro Oliveira. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.

Selenium supplementation of Portuguese wheat cultivars through foliar treatment in actual field conditions.

The present paper focuses on the ability of bread and durum wheat—Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum durum Desf., respectively—to accumulate Se after supplementation via a foliar-addition procedure. in J Radioanal Nucl Chem 297 (2): 227–231. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.

Molecular characterization of TaSTOP1 homoeologues and their response to aluminium and proton (H+) toxicity in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Aluminium (Al) toxicity is considered to be one of the major constraints affecting crop productivity on acid soils. Being a trait governed by multiple genes, the identification and characterization of novel transcription factors (TFs) regulating the expression of entire response networks is a very promising approach. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to...

Differential rRNA genes expression in bread wheat and its inheritance.

In order to evaluate the inheritance of the Ag-NORs number and NOR methylation patterns, we produced F1 hybrids between bread wheat cultivars with four Ag-NORs and bread wheat cultivars with six Ag-NORs (in the direct and reciprocal senses). The F2 progenies of these F1 hybrids were also evaluated for the NOR number and methylation patterns....

Effect of sowing date and seeding rate on bread wheat yield and test weight under Mediterranean conditions.

Yield and test weight are attributes of particular economic importance in wheat production systems and are strongly affected by environmental conditions. This study was conducted to determine the effects of sowing date and seeding rate on grain yield and test weight of fifteen bread wheat varieties and five advanced lines from Portuguese Wheat Breeding Program...