INTERATrigo – Avaliação do rendimento e qualidade em trigo mole, em função das interações água-azoto.
1) Avaliar os efeitos combinados de diferentes estratégias de fertilização azotada com diferentes volumes de rega nas respostas produtivas de uma variedade de trigo melhorador (Antequera); 2) Definir um conjunto de itinerários técnicos que sejam potenciadores de eficiência de uso do azoto em trigo regado; 3) Utilizar o conhecimento adquirido para encontrar as melhores opções...
Biofortificação de trigo mole em zinco para produção de farinha. Grupo Operacional.
Tem como objetivo fundamental aumentar os níveis em zinco em trigo mole através de adubação em fundo e/ou foliar. A biofortificação realiza-se em ambiente controlado (fitoclima) e em ambiente real (campos de ensaio). Contacto: Fernando Lidon Saiba mais sobre o projeto aqui.
Screening of worldwide cowpea collection to drought tolerant at a germination stage
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of drought on seed germination and seedling emergence of cowpea genotypes, in order to screen the most tolerant genotypes. in Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 247: 107-115. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.
Avaliação da resistência à antracnose em germoplasma de Lupinus spp.
Após análise duma coleção de germoplasma contendo 51 acessos de Lupinus albus, 46 de L. angustifolius, 19 de L. luteus e 10 de L. mutabilis, através de inoculações em condições artificiais, foi identificado germoplasma de L. albus e de L. angustifolius com níveis promissores de resistência, respetivamente em variedades tradicionais e em germoplasma espontâneo português....
Unravelling the nutriproteomics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) seeds.
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an essential grain for human consumption owing to its high protein content, nutritional quality and energy-efficient production. The aim of this study was to compare the protein extracts of 24 chickpea genotypes by biochemically characterising the storage proteins. in Crop & Pasture Science, 68:1041–1051. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.
Biochemical, physiological and genetic analysis of aluminum tolerance of different rye species.
Rye (Secale cereale L.) is one of the most Al-tolerant cereal with a valuable genetic background for breeding purposes. Wild relatives (Secale spp.) have great importance once they can provide new sources of genes related to this trait. Different cellular disorders possibly related to Al tolerance/toxicity were observed through histochemical root staining methods in cultivated...
Characterization, genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and expression of the aluminum tolerance MATE1 gene in Secale species.
The cDNA sequences, phylogenetic relationships, Al-tolerance, citrate exudation, and expression of the ScMATE1 gene were analyzed in several cultivars and wild species/subspecies of the Secale genus. in Biol Plant. 62 (1):109–120. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.
Oxidative Metabolism of Rye (Secale cereale L.) after Short Term Exposure to Aluminum: Uncovering the Glutathione-Ascorbate Redox Network.
At early development stages the underling physiological and biochemical mechanisms to tolerate Al passes through modulation of ascorbate–glutathione enzymes, essentially MDHAR and DHAR in a genotype-dependent manner. in Frontiers in plant science 7: 685. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.
Selenium in bread and durum wheats grown under a soil supplementation regime in actual field conditions, determined by cyclic and radiochemical neutron activation analysis.
This work focuses on the ability of bread and durum wheat to accumulate selenium (Se) via a soil-addition procedure at sowing time. Total Se in mature-grain samples was determined by neutron activation analysis (cyclic and radiochemical). in Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 304 (1): 139-143. Leia o trabalho completo aqui.
Selenium characterization of the Portuguese bread-wheat archival collection.
The INIAV-Elvas wheat collection has always been an invaluable asset in studies of agronomic and/or genetic development of wheat lines, as well as providing a frame of reference for the nutritional evolution of Portuguese wheat crops. This work addresses the status of selenium (Se) in a pool of 46 accessions of bread wheat. in Crop...